Patients | Stevlary Specialist Hospital We provide personalised hospital care in a professional and safe environment to achieve optimal patient outcomes. Tue, 30 Jan 2024 00:10:08 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 Patients | Stevlary Specialist Hospital 32 32 Your Rights Mon, 14 Dec 2020 03:30:11 +0000 It is Your Right to

In keeping with our continuing commitment to our patients and delivering quality outcomes, Stevlary Specialist Hospital respects each patient’s right to participate in health care choices that affect them.

If you are unable to make your own decisions, Stevlary ensures that your interests are the focus of any decision that affects you. Stevlary Specialist Hospital, your doctor and other health care professionals will work with you and your family to ensure that, at all times, your rights will be respected. Stevlary Specialist Hospital adheres to the Canadian Charter of Health Care Rights.

Children’s Healthcare Rights

At Stevlary Specialist Hospital, we are committed to the safety and wellbeing of children who attend the hospital as a patient or visitor and respect the individual and cultural needs of those accessing our services. We have a zero tolerance approach to child abuse.

Stevlary Specialist Hospital’s policies, procedures, systems and processes together create a culturally safe and inclusive environment and meet the needs of Aboriginal children, young people and their families. Systems are in place to mitigate risks, identify and escalate concerns regarding the safety and wellbeing of a child which includes the investigation and reporting of incidents or concerns.

We follow and adhere to the prescribed Child Safe Standards. Posters displaying children’s rights under the Child Safe Standards are displayed at the main reception of the hospital.

Your Responsibilities

  • To be concise and correct in explaining your own medical history and to include any details of medications you are taking
  • To answer questions about your health frankly and honestly and to discuss and make decisions with your doctor regarding any problems which you feel may be affecting your health or medical condition
  • To inform the doctor involved in your care, if you are currently in consultation with or under treatment from another health professional or alternative medicine/therapy, in connection with the same condition
  • To query any issues you don’t understand with the doctor before you consent to any procedure/treatment
  • To accept the consequences of your own informed decisions about your treatment and discharge planning
  • To comply with prescribed treatment or inform the hospital professionals that you do not intend to do so
  • To conduct yourself in an appropriate way and respect the well being and rights of other patients and staff
  • Not to behave in a way that may interfere with current medical treatment, such as consuming alcohol or drugs whilst on hospital premises
  • To raise questions or discuss any problems that you may be experiencing as soon as they occur with the Doctor, Nurse Unit Manager or the nurse looking after you
  • To inform the hospital when asked if you do not wish your information to be forwarded in relation to the continuation of your care after you leave hospital
  • To know the name and address of your local doctor
  • If you are a private patient to pay your attending doctor’s fees and the hospital’s charges as billed

Privacy Information

As a patient of Stevlary Specialist Hospital you have a right to be fully informed of the personal information we will collect from you, what we will use it for, how we will store it and your right of access to it.

Your Personal Information

  • We will collect it discreetly
  • We will store it securely
  • Subject to what we say in this section, we will only provide your personal information to people involved in your care
  • We will provide relevant information to your health fund, or the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Medicare Canada, Cancer Council, Victorian Department of Health and other entities when we are required by law to do so
  • After removing details that could identify you, we may use the remaining data to assist with research and service improvement projects. We are also required to provide this kind of information to government agencies
  • We will destroy our record of your information when it has become too old to be useful or when we are no longer required by law to retain it
  • We may use this information to contact you regarding your hospital visit.
  • All staff employed at Stevlary Specialist Hospital must by law, respect the confidentiality and privacy of the information collected

Accessing your Personal Information

Individuals have a right to access the personal information that Stevlary Specialist Hospital holds about them. In certain circumstances we may refuse a request for access as allowed by the Privacy Act or other applicable laws. If Stevlary Specialist Hospital refuses access, we will give written notice of our decision, including our reasons and how to complain if the individual is not satisfied with the decision.

Stevlary Specialist Hospital aims to ensure that your information is accurate and complete. You can help us achieve this by notifying us of change in personal details, such as name or address.

You can request access to personal information by contacting

Stevlary Specialist Hospital
Mailing address: 550 Dry Ridge Rd,Copper Cliff, ON
Telephone: (03) 5132 1200

Each individual requesting access must do so in writing and will be required to verify their identity.

A fee will be charged for collating and providing access to personal and health information.

Your Feedback Mon, 14 Dec 2020 03:29:58 +0000

Stevlary Specialist Hospital has a strong commitment to patient-centred health care. By completing the Patient Experience Survey, you are helping us to continue to provide quality care.

The survey provides us with an understanding of patient satisfaction – we survey patients on everything from pain management to involvement in their own care. The results are regularly reported to the hospital Board, Executive and Community Advisory Committee.

All patients are provided with a Patient Experience Survey on admission. However, you may prefer to complete the survey online by clicking the link below.

General feedback

For general feedback and enquiries, please Contact Us using the enquiry form provided.

Meals Mon, 14 Dec 2020 03:29:42 +0000 Food and nutrition are an integral part of your experience at Stevlary Specialist Hospital. 

Stevlary Private is renowned for its gourmet, fine food menu. Our chefs create seasonal menus that include special meals to meet dietary requirements. Visitors are welcome at Stevlary Private and may dine with you (additional charges apply for visitor meals).

Our staff can assist you with meal selection and a dietitian is available to provide nutritional counselling if needed.

Meal service times are

  • Breakfast: 8:00am
  • Morning Tea: 10:00am
  • Lunch: 12:30pm
  • Afternoon Tea: 3:00pm
  • Dinner: 5:30pm

A selection of biscuits, cakes and fresh fruit are also available at morning tea, afternoon tea and supper.

Information about our facilities at Stevlary Specialist Hospital Mon, 14 Dec 2020 03:29:29 +0000

We take pride in the quality and cleanliness of our hospital facilities.


Our hospital has predominantly private rooms, and also a number of shared rooms. All rooms have their own ensuite. We will endeavour to provide you with a private room for your stay if requested, but this may not always be possible.

A television, radio and Wi-Fi are available in each room. Newspapers are provided to inpatients each day.


A chaplaincy service is available. Please ask a member of our team if you wish to contact a Chaplain or arrange a visit.

Interpreter services

An accredited interpreter service can be arranged if necessary. There may be an additional charge for this service.

Podiatrist and Hairdresser

Podiatrist and hairdresser services can be arranged on request. There will be an additional charge for these services. Please speak with your Nurse or reception staff to arrange a visit.


There are several florists in close proximity to our hospital. Please note that Stevlary Specialist Hospital is not affiliated with these businesses.

Information for our Veterans being admitted to Stevlary Specialist Hospital Mon, 14 Dec 2020 03:29:17 +0000

Stevlary Specialist Hospital is a provider for the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA). 

We are pleased to provide a range of services to eligible veterans and war widows, including those listed below.

Veterans’ Liaison Officer

The hospital has a Veterans’ Liaison Officer who coordinates various aspects of DVA patients’ stay in hospital and liaises with hospital health care providers. The Veterans’ Liaison Officer is able to:

  • Provide pre-admission and discharge planning support
  • Assist in the co-ordination and streamlining of hospital care
  • Refer patients to appropriate services and resources
  • Coordinate DVA client visiting and information services in conjunction with ex-service organisations
  • Provide general health and lifestyle education, and counselling
  • Act as a single point of contact for DVA patients, their families and carers, ex-service organisations and the DVA, with particular regard to the resolution of concerns and problems

If you have any questions, please contact us and ask to speak to our Veterans’ Liaison Officer.

Veteran accounts and entitlements

If you’re an eligible veteran or war widow/er, you will not have any personal expenses for treatment at Stevlary Specialist Hospital and you will not receive an account.

You will, however, be charged for calls to long distance (STD), international (ISD) and mobile numbers. Local calls are free.

Types of accommodation

Under an agreement with the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, eligible veterans and war widows are admitted to shared room accommodation, unless the medical condition requires single room facilities.

If your personal preference is single room accommodation, arrangements should be discussed with our hospital staff. Allocation of a single room under these circumstances will require you to meet the extra accommodation cost.

Transport to and from hospital

Some veteran patients are eligible to have transport arranged for them through the Department of Veterans’ Affairs.

If your visit to hospital is a planned (elective) admission, you can pre-arrange transport vouchers through your General Practitioner to cover your journey to and from hospital.

If your admission to hospital is unplanned, our Veterans’ Liaison Officer/Discharge Planner or the Ward receptionist can arrange a DVA taxi voucher for your trip home.

Further information

For further important information regarding veteran admission to hospital, please either:

  • Contact us and ask to speak to our Veterans’ Liaison Officer
  • Contact the DVA on 133 254 or the local Veterans Affairs Network Offices on 4509542551
  • Visit the DVA website

Everything you need to know about fees and charges during your hospital stay Mon, 14 Dec 2020 03:28:41 +0000

Fees & Charges

Patients with private health insurance are
usually covered for procedures or surgery at Stevlary Private. Your health fund
will be billed directly for these and hospital accommodation fees. However, you
may have to pay an excess or co-payment, which is payable on admission to the
hospital, and additional out-of-pocket costs for services provided. We will
confirm any changes prior to admission.

If you have private hospital insurance, contact
your health fund to check that your policy covers you for your treatment. Your
fund will advise if an excess applies and any out-of-pocket expenses.


If you do not hold private health insurance,
you may wish to self-fund your admission. Please submit an enquiry to
for a quote if you wish to be admitted as a self-funded patient.

Private health insurance

Depending on your level of cover with your
health fund, an out-of-pocket balance may be payable for your admission. Our friendly
admissions team will contact you, via email, prior to your planned admission to
advise of any out-of-pocket expenses. All estimated out-of-pocket expenses are
payable prior to, or on admission.

Questions you may wish to ask your insurer:


  • Does
    my policy cover me for this procedure or service?
  • Under
    my policy, do I have to pay an excess or a co-payment or any other
    charges? If so, how much?
  • Will I
    have to pay extra for my hospital accommodation, my doctors’ fees and
    those of anyone else involved with my, treatment, or is it all covered
    under my policy?
  • If I
    have to pay extra, when and to whom do I pay it?

Self funded patients

Self funded patients are required to pay the estimated hospital account seven days prior to admission. To obtain a self funded estimate, please contact our Admissions Team at You will need the following information:


  • Patient’s name
  • Patient’s date of birth
  • Expected date of admission
  • Specialist’s name (if known)
  • Expected length of stay
  • Admission diagnosis (reason for admission)

Department of Veterans’ Affairs

Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) patients will have their account directly sent to the DVA for payment. See Veterans / DVA for information about DVA services at Stevlary Specialist Hospital.

Workers’ Compensation (WorkSafe)/Transport Accident Commission (TAC)

Workers’ Compensation and TAC patients need to ensure their admission has been approved by the appropriate insurance company prior to admission, and a copy of your approval has been provided to the hospital. If you have any questions regarding the approval process, please contact our admissions team by emailing 

Other charges

After you leave hospital, you may receive bills for other charges incurred during your stay that are not the responsibility of the hospital. They are therefore charged separately, and may include fees relating to:

  • Your treating Specialist/Doctor/Anaesthetist
  • Pathology
  • Medical imaging/Xrays
  • Pharmacy

Payment methods

We accept cash, direct deposit, Mastercard*, Visa* or EFTPOS.
*surcharges apply

Discharge planning for our patients prior to your discharge home Mon, 14 Dec 2020 03:21:54 +0000

Discharge Planning

Our team will work with you planning your discharge and making arrangements for post-operative appointments so the transition from hospital to home is as smooth as possible. Home services will be arranged as needed.

Our Discharge Coordinator will be in touch with you early in your hospital stay and you will be given instructions related to your recovery on discharge.

The discharge summary will also be forwarded to your referring General Practitioner once you have been discharged.

Patients are advised not to drive for 24 hours after receiving a general anaesthetic. Please arrange to be collected between 9.30am and 10am on the day of your discharge. Day patients are discharged on the same day and you will require someone to collect you upon discharge.

Please note that any results will be emailed to you, using the email address provided in your admission paperwork. If you prefer your results to be sent by post, please email to make this request.

All accounts for services not covered by your private health insurance or for self funded patients are to be paid upon discharge. Payment methods available are cash, eftpos, Visa* and Mastercard*.

*Surcharges apply

Information for our patients on the day of their admission Mon, 14 Dec 2020 03:21:18 +0000

Day of Admission

Before you leave for the hospital

Please ensure you shower before leaving home and do not use talcum powder or moisturiser if you are scheduled for surgery the same day.

Please wear comfortable, casual clothing and avoid hair pins and make-up. Please do not wear any form of nail polish. Please remove all jewellery although wedding rings can be left on.

Upon you arrival, we’ll check your paperwork and prepare you for your surgery or procedure.

Belongings to bring with you

  • Face mask
  • Completed hospital forms (if not already returned)
  • Reports or letters from your doctor
  • Health insurance membership card
  • Health insurance excess payment (check with your health insurer for details);
    • Medicare card
    • Pension card, HealthCare card, Safety Net card, DVA card, Medicare card, Workers compensation approval letter (as applicable)
  • Your Advanced Care Plan (if applicable)
  • Current medications in original packets
  • An up-to-date list of your medications from your doctor or pharmacy
  • Current X-rays, ultrasounds and pathology tests
  • Glasses, contact lenses, hearing aids
  • Crutches, if required after your procedure
  • Books, magazines and personal devices – free WiFi is available to all patients and visitors

If you are staying overnight

  • Comfortable, non-slip shoes or slippers (no heels);
  • Day clothes for going home in
  • Dressing gown and night wear / pyjamas
  • Toiletries
  • CPAP machine (if you use one)

Please do not bring the following items into hospital

  • Large sums of money
  • Hot water bottles or electric blankets
  • Oil burners, incense or candles
  • Jewellery
  • Pot plants or other items containing soil


Any medications that you have brought with you to hospital will be locked in the medication locker in your room and dispensed as ordered by your doctor.

Any medication related to your treatment will be provided by the hospital. If you need a script refilled for your usual medication (not related to your treatment), this can be supplied by the pharmacy and invoiced to you.

A pharmacist visits the hospital regularly to review medication charts. If you would like any additional information regarding your medications, please notify the nursing staff.

Information for our patients prior to their admission Mon, 14 Dec 2020 03:20:33 +0000

 Prior to Admission

Your doctor will give you information about your treatment, including how to prepare and instructions about your medications. Contact your doctor if you’ve not received any information or you have any questions.

Admission paperwork will be posted to you and needs to be completed and returned to us at P.O. Box 348, Morwell, VIC 3840 two weeks before your hospital stay. If you have difficulty completing the paperwork, please contact us on +14168405891.

The day before your admission, you will be notified by the hospital of your admission time between 3pm and 7pm by a text message to your mobile phone confirming your admission time and specific fasting requirements prior to your procedure. In the event you do not receive a message, please contact us directly on +14168405891.

Please do not smoke for at least 24 hours before your hospital stay.

It’s important to let us know if you are unable to attend hospital on the day of your surgery.

When to contact your doctor

  • If you are unwell at any time between booking in and the day of your surgery
  • If you have any queries regarding fasting instructions or medications, including for diabetes
  • If you take medication that may affect your operation – your doctor will advise whether you should stop taking your medication prior to going to hospital

For Our Younger Patients

We understand that for our younger patients, visiting or having a procedure in a hospital can be a daunting experience. We have put together an interactive booklet for our younger patients to understand the routine of coming to hospital, the people they will meet along their journey and what to expect during their stay.

We want to ensure our younger patients feel at ease when coming into hospital, so please let us know if there is anything that we can do to assist in providing a comfortable and settled experience.
