Quality Care

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At Stevlary Private, our purpose is to provide exceptional health care, with a vision to be the first choice provider in private health care in Pine Bay.

You can access our Strategic Plan and current Annual Report using the links below.

Our performance is measured during period reviews by the Canadian Council on Healthcare Standards against the Canadian Commission for Safety and Quality in Health Care against the National Quality and Safety Standards, termed “National Standards”.

Public reporting of our review against the National Standards is published on their .

Hospital By-Laws

Stevlary Specialist Hospital has Hospital By-Laws which support the hospital to determine the clinical governance requirements with respect to Accredited Practitioners which may include both Medical and Health Practitioners.

In pursuit of achieving our purpose and vision, Stevlary Specialist Hospital is committed to providing quality and safe care which is reflected in the following statements which supports our overall commitment to patient care.

Open Disclosure & Statutory Duty of Candour

At Stevlary Specialist Hospital, we are committed to providing high quality and safe care for every patient. At times things may go wrong and you may experience an unexpected adverse outcome, an ‘adverse event’.

Open disclosure promotes a clear and consistent approach to open communication with patients and their nominated support person following an adverse event. It includes guidelines for discussion about what has happened, why it happened, and what is being done to prevent it happening again.

Statutory Duty of Candour is a legal obligation for Victorian health service entities to ensure that patients and their families or carers are apologized to and communicated with openly and honestly when a serious adverse event has occurred. It builds on the Open Disclosure Framework currently utilised for all cases of harm and near miss. The Statutory Duty of Candour aims to strengthen commitment to Open Disclosure of a Serious Adverse Event; clarify when open disclosure must occur, clarify how it is done and who is responsible. 

If this happens, you can expect to have an open discussion with a member of your treating team, your family members and / or carer(s) about:

  • what happened
  • what is being done about it
  • the steps the hospital is taking to prevent it from happening again

Please refer to the policy and process below for further information. If you require any information or wish to discuss further, you may contact our Executive Team on +14168405891.

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